There is no doubt that sales roles offer millennials a career that meets many of their expectations.
There’s been a shift since 2007 when we first started offering Momentium in Universities and Colleges to develop future sales talent. When we would ask students taking an elective on sales if they were considering a career in sales, only one or two students would raise their hands.
In the last few years, that same question is answered with as many as a third of the hands in the class going up.
The challenge for students is getting experience and practice. Momentium provides millennials a way to practice selling in a safe environment. Students are able to gain the knowledge and skills needed to get leverage out of every dialogue with customers. They gain situational awareness at all stages of the selling process and an ability to adapt.
A recent article in the Globe and Mail authored by the Canadian Sales Association is a good read: “How to attract millennials to your sales team”.
If you hire or are considering hiring new graduates in sales you may be concerned about the time and cost to develop the sales knowledge and skills they need to succeed.
Momentium reduces this risk without the high cost of time in a classroom and travel, and best of all Momentium develops sales mastery for life. 120 progressively complex simulations provide millennials with an opportunity to practice in a safe environment and master essential communication skills. Ultimately, the millennial learns situational awareness at all stages of the selling process and an ability to communicate and adapt.
Marguerite Zimmerman