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Category : Sales Management

By Marguerite Zimmerman

Why I see training as the key ingredient to organic growth

No matter what your organic growth strategy is, having well-trained talent to support that strategy is a key ingredient.
Recently, I read a Harvard Article, How We Made our Sales Training More Effective by Making it Harder by Jeff Winters, it made me chuckle. So many companies view training as simply a box they need to check. It looks good if I give my team some training, or I’m expected to give them training, etc. Consequently, companies typically chose training that is easy for everyone involved.

By Marguerite Zimmerman

Driving Organic Growth

Do you find your focus on current accounts at the cost of acquiring new ones?
On one hand, it’s good business to focus on customer retention. Studies cite that the cost of acquiring a new customer ranges from 5 to 25 times the cost of retaining a current customer.

Why I see training as the key ingredient to organic growth
Driving Organic Growth
3 Ways to Avoid the Price Vortex
The 2 Most Important Questions to Ask When Hiring Sales Talent